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Management evolution: adapting to the modern workplace

There’s a lot to say about modern-day management. So why don’t we get rid of the old structures altogether? No more special parking, corner offices, or top-floor C-suites? Of course, management is necessary for a company to function. Managers are not. Teams can be self-organized, as many pioneers have shown us. Read about the why and how.

The changing face of management

Management is evolving. The traditional model with its rigid hierarchies and top-down approach is slowly being replaced. Modern organizations are embracing more flexible, dynamic models.

One key change is the move towards non-hierarchical structures. In these organizations, decision-making power is distributed among employees. We call them bossless organizations, which indicates the role of management is pretty much non-existent.

These structures lead to increased autonomy for all employees. That means higher engagement and productivity. It fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.

In these new models, managers are no longer supervisors. They are facilitators, who empower their teams. They foster a culture of collaboration and innovation.

But this transition is not without challenges. Managers in non-hierarchical organizations navigate complex dynamics. They often manage more people. So the trick is to strike a balance between providing guidance and allowing autonomy.

Despite these challenges, the benefits are clear. Studies have shown the positive impact of non-hierarchical structures on employee satisfaction. This is good for the company, the results, recruitment, and innovation.

Management in non-hierarchical organizations

In non-hierarchical or bossless organizations, the traditional concept of management looks entirely different. Instead of a top-down approach where managers dictate what employees should work on, employees in these organizations have the autonomy to initiate new projects or join existing ones. All the decisions are transparent. In fact, in most flat organizations, everything is transparent.

Sounds good, right? However, the road to this decentralization can be bumpy. For instance, without a clear chain of command, decision-making can be more complex. There can be a tendency for employees to overcrowd certain projects. Or less popular tasks are left behind. Especially when results are not directly clear, the work may not get done. Comparable to politics: results need to be clear straight away. This happens mostly in the beginning, employees may feel like they need to prove themselves.

Here at Corporate Rebels, we are a big fan of flat organizations. Of course, to transform your organizational structure you have to prepare and create a clear strategy. We can help you, by offering valuable insights through our courses and masterclasses. You can learn from previous pioneers, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.


Let’s start by looking at management layers. When organizations are flattened, management layers are taken out of the equation. However, organizations are often not completely ‘bossless’. That’s why we propose the term ‘middle managerless organizations’ (MMLOs). In MMLOs, there is still a top management team (CEO, founder, owner) that enjoys ultimate decision-making authority. Think about organizations like Morning Star and Zappos. But, most day-to-day decisions are made by autonomous employees without going through a chain of command. There is a top management layer, but no formal authority otherwise. These management teams implement long-term organizational-wide objectives (the bigger picture) and guard the company culture. But they don’t manage the teams themselves.

Within these companies, a network of teams exists. They self-organize and set tasks and responsibilities. The teams can make decisions without needing formal approval but are also accountable. Responsibility is not eliminated. It’s merely redistributed.

The transition to a non-hierarchical structure needs to be carefully managed. Research shows that flat management structures could induce more micro-management than vertical hierarchies to resolve conflict among coworkers. Also, not everyone can handle responsibility well. Therefore, organizations must strike a balance between providing autonomy and maintaining effective coordination.

The role of managers

In today’s dynamic organizations, the concept of management is being redefined. It’s not just about a select few at the top. It’s about everyone. Collaboration is the keyword.

At the helm, there’s a small group. They’re the top management team. They have the ultimate decision-making authority, but their role is to empower.

Then there’s another form of management, a less formal one. It’s found in self-organizing teams. Autonomous employees are making day-to-day decisions. There are no orders from a chain of command. Instead, the team is taking ownership and responsibility.

In these organizations, employees are not just workers: they do more than execute. They’re decision-makers. And they’re contributors to the organization’s success. Managers — or rather team leaders — are often allocated by the team, and the leadership role is usually not permanent. There are leaders within teams and leaders across teams, depending on how the organization is structured. These leaders can have different names, like coach or sponsor. But in flat organizations, these leaders don’t have formal authority over other team members.

This new approach to management requires a shift in mindset. There needs to be solid trust and full transparency. Managers need to rethink how they operate, but also how they motivate and engage employees.

Real-world examples

Many pioneers have paved the way to change management structures. They provide excellent learning material. We have bundled some in our comprehensive courses. This way, you can use your time efficiently and gather info on different structures. These courses provide an excellent base to transform your organization. Like these pioneers, who can show the way.


Spotify, the Swedish music streamer, uses a model with so-called ‘squads’. Each squad is a self-organizing team with a specific area of focus. The squads have the autonomy to decide what to create, how to do that, and how to work together while they do it. This approach decentralizes decision-making and allows for loads of flexibility and quick adaptation.


Patagonia, an American outdoor clothing company, is known for its strong commitment to environmental and social responsibility. This commitment is reflected in their management practices. For example, there are no private offices. The whole organization is fully transparent, also for customers.


Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer, famously transitioned to a holacracy model. In this model, there are no job titles and no managers. Instead, authority and decision-making are distributed throughout a series of self-organizing teams.


Nucor, an American steel manufacturer, operates with a decentralized management structure. There is still a central management, but decision-making is done by the teams. Each plant operates as an individual profit center, and employees are encouraged to suggest improvements and innovations.

All of these companies have chosen individual approaches to transform management and leadership. By investing less in middle management, costs are greatly reduced. At the same time, decisions are made much faster and innovation thrives. Employee happiness is up, which helps recruitment. All in all, these organizations are reaping the rewards of being flat and transparent.

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