London's Big Event For Corporate Misfits, Troublemakers, And Rebels

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree January 10, 2019

The time for revolution is upon us. It has been needed for a very long time. We can no longer ignore the pain, frustration and wasted potential in today’s workplaces. Most organizations are empty, soulless places where the majority of employees feel like a cog in a machine.

It’s now up to the rebels, misfits, and troublemakers. Together, we need to dismantle the out-dated world of work—and to liberate the billions of people suffering around the world. That’s why – on 16 February 2019, in downtown London – we take a stand.

Revolt against the status quo

In January 2016, we – Joost and Pim – quit our frustrating jobs in organizations that drained our motivation, talent and potential. We chose to rebel against the status quo. We believed – and still do – that the world is a much better place when people love their jobs.

But we are still far from this goal. An astonishing 85% of all employees are disengaged at work. We are surrounded by toxic colleagues. And their toxicity acts like a nasty virus.

It’s now up to the rebels, misfits, and troublemakers. Together, we need to dismantle the out-dated world of work—and to liberate the billions of people suffering around the world.
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This ‘disengagement virus’ infects many. Symptoms? Huge amounts of burnout, stress and work-related accidents. But there’s more than individuals in pain. Their organizations suffer from the virus too. Profit evaporates, innovation is stifled, and productivity suffers when people don’t like their work.

It’s clear there’s plenty of work still to be done by Corporate Rebels. With dedication and passion, we will continue to be a powerful catalyst for making work more fun.

London: breeding ground of the revolution

On the 2019 international Rebel Tour, London is our first stop. Fellow rebels join forces – on February 16th – to learn, share, and connect. We will inject our first-hand knowledge of approaches and tactics used by pioneering organizations: from trends and best practices to change strategies and successful revolutions.

The time for revolution is upon us. It has been needed for a very long time. We can no longer ignore the pain, frustration and wasted potential in today’s workplaces.
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Make sure you are part of the revolt. Join us, Joost and Pim, by purchasing a ticket for the Rebel Event in London on 16 February 2019. Get your tickets here.

And on to Berlin & Zurich

After London, we ignite Zurich (May 24). Be there to join the crusade for better, more humane workplaces.

Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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