On Rebels, Bossless Companies, And Bucket Lists

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree February 22, 2020

In order to make work more fun, we need to get a few things right. We need to connect like-minded rebels around the world, facilitate knowledge sharing, and challenge one another to radically change the way we work.

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With the Corporate Rebels forum, we aim to do precisely that. It's a place for discussions, advice and support. We can leverage the wisdom of the crowd and jointly fight for better workplaces.

Nearly a thousand Rebels have created a Corporate Rebels account over the last two months. Slowly but surely, forum contributions continue to grow. Here are some highlights from recent weeks discussions on the Corporate Rebels forum.

Bucket List suggestions

A while ago Joost created a topic and asked for suggestions for more Bucket List pioneers. Loads came in. We've already added some to our Bucket List; among others an IT company called 10Pines with no bosses, 80+ employees and consent decision-making in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

As with all other Bucket List pioneers, we will visit and research them in our quest to better understand how to make work more fun. As always, we will share all we learn.

Any more pioneers you'd like to add? Go to  this forum topic to share your suggestions. Oh - and don't forget to say why you believe they should be on the Bucket List.

Stop being a child!

The lovely guest blog by Jon Barnes - You're Behaving Like A Child: How We Were Never Taught To Self-Manage - has resonated deeply with lots of people. The blog was widely shared and received lots of positive feedback.

Check out the comments and join the conversation right here..

Middle managerless organizations

Joost's blog post on his PhD research topic of "middle managerless organizations", or MMLOs, created a lot of discussions. As a good PhD topic should. People contributed lots of interesting perspectives, but also challenged it from various angles.

Great to see that kind of deep discussions on complex topics such as large companies without middle management. Keep it coming! Challenging one another makes all of us better.

Want to contribute to the discussion as well? Click here.

Rebel Academy

A topic around competence and learning strategies was created by Anders. Various rebels came to the rescue to support Anders in figuring out how to best approach this.

This kind of knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning is exactly why we set up the forum. For fellow rebels to connect, learn, and share. Wherever they are.

Rebel of the month

The 'rebel of the month' award celebrates someone who has contributed above-and-beyond to the community. 'Rebel of the month' goes to...  Felix Heck.

Felix has contributed to many forum discussions to share his thoughts and experiences. Plus, he send out some lovely tweets to spread the word and bring more people in. A helpful topic he started was the "Beyond Rebels — List": a list of companies which support organizations to become more progressive workplaces.

Join the discussion and contribute to his forum topic to create a more complete list of companies; click here.

Thanks, Felix! Keep up the good work!

On Rebels, Bossless Companies, And Bucket Lists
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Join the forum

For now, head over to the forum and see for yourself what's going on. Share your questions, challenges, comments, ideas, and insights. Leverage the wisdom of the crowd.

See you there!

London book presentation

Another quick announcement! On Monday (24 Feb) and Tuesday (25 Feb) we're in London for book presentations. The one on Monday is sold out, but Tuesday still has a few tickets left. Get yours (including a book) here.

Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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