Here you'll find a list of some of our top picks of books, talks, and podcasts on 'making work more fun'. Add your personal tips in the comments below the article.

Books - case studies
- Ari Weinzweig - A lapsed anarchist's approach to ... - series (Zingerman's)
- Arthur Cremers, Anja van der Horst & Wim van Twuijver - Poleposition (Hollands Kroon)
- David Marquet - Turn the ship around! (USS Santa Fe)
- Dee Hock - One from many (VISA)
- Dennis Bakke - Joy at work (AES)
- Eckart Wintzen - Eckart's notes (BSO-Origin)
- Jean-Francois Zobrist - La belle histoire de Favi (FAVI)
- Sharda S. Nandram - Organizational Innovation by Integrating Simplification (Buurtzorg)
- Laszlo Bock - Work rules! (Google)
- Ricardo Semler - Maverick (Semco)
- Richard Sheridan - Joy, Inc. (Menlo Innovations)
- Stanley McCrystal - Team of teams (US Army)
- Tony Hsieh - Delivering happiness (Zappos)
- Wouter Torfs - Werken met hart en ziel (Torfs Schoenen)
- Yvon Chouinard - Let my people go surfing (Patagonia)
Books - Others
- Brian Carney & Isaac Getz – Freedom Inc
- Daniel Pink – Drive
- David Burkus – Under new management
- Dennis Bakke – The decision maker
- Doug Kirkpatrick – Beyond empowerment
- Frederic Laloux – Reinventing organizations
- Henry Stewart – The happy manifesto
- Jacob Botter & Lars Kolind – Unboss
- John Case – Open-book management
- Mathieu Weggeman – Leidinggeven aan professionals? Niet doen!
- Laurence Peter & Raymond Hull – The Peter principle
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey – An everyone culture
- Ron Friedman – The best place to work
- Salim Ismail, Michael Malone & Yuri van Geest – Exponential organizations
- Shawn Achor – The happiness advantage
- Simon Sinek – Start with why
- Yves Morieux – Six simple rules