Corporate Rebels Will Give Away 10% Of Profits Each Year

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree June 05, 2019

In January 2016 we founded Corporate Rebels. We had no business model—but we did have a clear mission—to make work more fun. Our short corporate lives had been frustrating. We knew workplaces needed to change for the better.

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The more we learned, the more committed we became. Every few months, we pushed the Rebels to a new phase. And with each new phase, we grew our impact.

Now it’s time to double down—on purpose.

Pursue purpose

A business without purpose is nothing but a reservoir of wasted potential. Why on earth spend your days going round in meaningless circles – wasting time, talent and energy in the process? Why work only to maximizing shareholder value when you can use your time, talent and energy to do something truly meaningful?

A business without purpose is nothing but a reservoir of wasted potential.
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We believe in purpose-driven organizations. The pragmatism and resourcefulness of entrepreneurship, combined with the power of ideals, is an unstoppable force for good.

We report on purpose at the forefront of their businesses. It inspires us and, we hope, others. But there’s something more powerful than sharing other’s stories: and that’s writing your own.

Walking the talk

Everything we do is focused on making work more fun. We conduct research (both practical and academic) on progressive workplaces. We share the inspiration in blogs, talks, and workshops. We are building a movement of like-minded people. And we recently set up a new company – Revolt – to help companies transform the way they work.

This combination of paid and non-paid activities allows us to grow our impact and make money at the same time.

So, how are we doing on the money front? In 2016 we burned through our savings. In 2017 we broke even. In 2018 we turned a good profit. In 2019 we will turn an even larger profit and make new investments. In short, things are going well financially.

And while all we do is focused on making work more fun, we believe we can do more. So, as of January 2019, we’ve decided to give away 10% of our profits each year.

This money will go to charities, NGOs, and projects that share our purpose to create better work.

Community involvement

As you might expect, this comes with a twist. It’s not just us deciding which projects we donate to. We’ll leverage the Corporate Rebels global community.

Corporate Rebels Will Give Away 10% Of Profits Each Year.
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We will crowdsource ideas on projects/charities to support, and then let our community decide on how to spend 50% of the donations, that is, 5% of our profit. The team working at Corporate Rebels will allocate the other 5%.

We'll invite the community to donate to the selected projects also. This has the potential to leverage what we put in, and jointly impact better working around the globe.

The Corporate Rebels Foundation

The Corporate Rebels Foundation is being set up right now. It will be a separate and transparent entity designed to orchestrate all of the above. More on that to come… We expect to run the first crowdsourcing and crowdfunding sessions when our new website goes live during this summer.

Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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