New Course: How To Boost Psychological Safety In Your Team

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree February 15, 2023

Psychological safety is not about wrapping your employees in a cocoon of bubble wrap (as tempting as that may sound). No. Instead, if done well, psychological safety could be considered one of the most powerful tools to introduce to your team. But here's the big question: how the hell do you even do that?

Conversation between boss and his wife: emotional intelligence

What is psychological safety?

Let's break it down—what exactly is psychological safety? In a nutshell, it's the belief that sharing your thoughts, questions, and ideas (even your mistakes!) won't result in embarrassment or repercussions.

But here's the thing: if that foundation isn't in place, the ill effects are real… and costly. Employees disengage, opportunities are missed, and productivity takes a hit. And the worst part? It's a vicious cycle because people tend to hold back without psychological safety, which makes it even harder to identify and solve the root problems.

It's no wonder psychological safety is making waves in the corporate world. Thanks to trailblazers like Amy Edmondson (who just so happens to be on our Bucket List of workplace pioneers), the importance of creating a safe and trusting work environment is finally getting the recognition it deserves.

How do you create psychological safety?

And yet, despite widespread recognition of the issue, leaders still need help finding a clear path forward. The shelves are filled with glossy guides and thought-provoking theories, but the hard truth is that many changemakers and transformation experts are still left fumbling around in the dark, trying, failing, and basically reinventing the wheel.

The sad reality is while lip service is being paid to the importance of psychological safety, few companies are actually walking the talk.

Psychological safety is not about wrapping your employees in a cocoon of bubble wrap (as tempting as that may sound).
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Clearly, the question then becomes: how do you actually provide a psychologically safe work environment?

Well, have no fear—we've got you covered.

Introducing our brand spanking new course, “Boost Psychological Safety,” the ultimate guide to unlocking the power of psychological safety in the workplace.

Forget the hours spent searching for answers and the trial and error that comes with it. We've done the heavy lifting for you, using our research into 150+ of the world's most innovative companies to share practical, actionable advice.

From the basics of psychological safety to the proven practices of pioneering organizations, you'll dive deeply into the what, why, and how of creating a safe and trusting work environment.

And you will learn from pioneering companies that nailed this—which includes some of the most recognized brands in the world. You will also learn about typical pitfalls, helping you to avoid common mistakes with high risks that often make matters worse.

Here’s a quick outline of what you’ll learn from this course:

  • What psychological safety is (and what it's not!);

  • The magical effects of psychological safety;

  • What to do to create that magic;

  • Practical tips and proven practices from pioneering organizations;

  • Actionable experiments to boost psychological safety in your teams;

  • Pitfalls to avoid (and how to overcome them).

Yep. The good stuff, but without all the fluff.

Join the revolution

Join our academy now! Upskill yourself, your team, and, ultimately, your entire organization.

This course (and many others) can be taken by purchasing a membership to the Corporate Rebels Academy. Plus, you get unlimited access to all on-demand courses as part of the membership.

You can combine this course with other classes like "Run Better Meetings" and "Make Better Decisions" to multiply your impact. Believe us; you will love the positive energy and changes these practical tools can create.

On top of that, you will join a community of peers and pioneers and gain the ability to participate in monthly events, meetups, and inspiration sessions.

You have everything to gain. Memberships start from €79 per month—get one here.

Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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