Online Course 'How Haier Works' (Early Bird Promotion!)

Today we launch another course in Corporate Rebels Academy: "How Haier Works.." This inspirational case study shows how an organization with over 80,000 employees can readily adapt to sudden contextual changes. This course is sure to inspire you for your own Rendanheyi-inspired transformation.

Back in 2017 Pim and Joost packed their bags ready to travel to Qingdao. After many unsuccessful attempts to contact CEO Zhang Ruimin, their luck changed. This trip sparked the beginning of years of research into the evolution of Haier and its Rendanheyi model. During the past few months, we have been working behind the scenes to pull together all these years of research into an online case study like no other.
To purchase this course directly, click here
A continuous reinvention
Haier is the world’s largest manufacturer of home appliances but even more, it is known for its continuous reinvention when it comes to organizational structure. CEO Zang Ruimin threw the traditional structure out the window, dividing the organization into 4000 microenterprises. Within the microenterprises, employees —also known as entrepreneurs—form tiny, autonomous companies. Pretty impressive, right?
With years of experience, Zang Ruimin points out “There is no such thing as a successful company, only one that successfully moves with the times.” Haier’s model allows it to respond more swiftly and efficiently than other large organizations out there and this is explored in great depth throughout this case study.
Here’s a sneak peek: a video animation that introduces you to Haier in a nutshell. Enjoy!
Fully on-demand
The course is on-demand, built to study in your own time, at your own pace.
It will help you to...
- Know how Haier's business strategy has evolved over the last 40 years
- Understand how Haier structures itself with a limited hierarchy to unleash incredible amounts of entrepreneurship from its 80,000 employees
- Find out how internal market dynamics are supported at Haier and what the life of a Haier employee looks like
- Bring new skills into practice for your own transformation toward a Rendanheyi-inspired organization
The content is delivered via text, video, animation, graphics, and a workbook. After completing this course, you’ll have expert knowledge of Haier and its Rendanheyi model.
More than a course
When you purchase a course at the Academy, you automatically join a community. That is, you gain access to our global network of like-minded people who are enthusiastic about changing the way they work—people like you. In this community you can join events, form groups around specific interests and discussions, and share your progress with each other.
Want to hear about a cool perk of being in this community? Once you're a member, any future course you buy will be available at a discounted price. How could you say no to that?
This is a one-time offer: discounted tickets are available
We are offering discounted early bird tickets for two weeks only to celebrate this initiative. The last day to take advantage of this price is the 21st of July. Until then, access the 20% discount offer.
Here's a summary of what you get:
- A course about Haier: a case study on busting bureaucracy and unleashing entrepreneurship
- A year's access to the global community of rebels and pioneers
- A 20% discount over 2 weeks to pay €800, not €1,000 (excluding VAT)
Click here to get your hands on this one-time deal now.
UPDATE: This promotion has ended. To purchase the course, use this link.
You know how the saying about early birds goes...
Time to start the countdown. See you there!