Rebel Cells - A Global Network of Pioneering Organizations

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree March 17, 2024

Making work more fun. That's what Corporate Rebels is here to do. Our activities continuously evolve, but our purpose is as clear as it was when we started eight years ago. Recently, we added a new way to boost our global impact towards better workplaces: Rebel Cells.

As we travel the world to research pioneering organizations, we keep hearing the same thing over and over again:

“As a progressive organization, we feel a strong need to connect, learn, and share with like-minded organizations.”

While the demand for such a knowledge sharing network becomes more and more clear, the supply wasn't there.

Until now.

Introducing: Rebel Cells

Four months ago, we launched a new concept called 'Rebel Cells'.

Each Rebel Cell is a local group of pioneering organizations who organize all kinds of knowledge-sharing sessions. Think of:

  • meetups;
  • company visits;
  • and more.

While most of the knowledge sharing happens locally in the context of their own language and culture, we also connect all Rebel Cells globally:

  • A yearly meetup/conference for all organizations in the network to join;
  • Regular online sessions to deep dive into specific topics and learn how other pioneers organize them (i.e. compensation, feedback, hiring, performance management, etc.).

All in all: a global network of pioneering organizations who believe in learning, sharing, and connecting with like-minded peers.

Rebel Cells

The first batch of Rebel Cells was launched in January. In February, we added three more and in March another three.

Now, we have Rebel Cells in:

  • United Kingdom
  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • Belgium
  • Slovenia
  • Japan
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Lithuania
  • Hungary
  • Austria
  • Switzerland

What does it cost?

Organizations that become members of a Rebel Cell pay an annual fee of €5,000, adjusted for local cost of living standards.

This means if you live in a location with a lower cost of living (compared to the Netherlands), your organization pays less. If your local cost of living is higher, you pay more.

Government organizations get a 25% discount. Charities and NGOs pay 50% less.

Contact us if you want to know your local pricing.

What do members get?

Organizations that become a member in a Rebel Cell enjoy the following benefits:

  • Access to all local events (meetups, company visits, etc.)
  • Access to the annual global meetup for 2 persons
  • Access to the online membership platform for 5 people (including monthly live sessions, courses, and more)

What it's not?

Rebel Cells are not merely talking groups like so many other movements. The cells are focused on action, learning from other progressive organizations, putting it into practice in their own environments, and then sharing what they learn as they evolve.

This global network of pioneering organizations is here to support each other in creating an ever better way of working.

It's not aimed at individuals such as freelancers and independent consultants.

For now, it's exclusive for progressive organizations.

How to join a Rebel Cell?

The process to join a Rebel Cell with your organization looks like this:

  • You fill out a simple form with some information about your organization.
  • The local Cell Coordinator will reach out to set up a call to meet.
  • If you both decide it makes sense to join, you sign the pledge and make the payment.
  • That's it. Congrats, you're officially part of the network.

To start the process, click here to go to the application form.

How to start a Rebel Cell?

We collaborate with local enthusiasts to expand the Rebel Cell network worldwide. If you're interested in establishing a Rebel Cell in your area, please fill out our application form, and we will respond as soon as possible. Establishing a Rebel Cell can be done by both individuals and larger organizations, most of the current cell coordinators are consultants.

Click here to fill out the application.

Let's build the world's most impactful network of workplace pioneers 🔥

Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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