Watch: A Summary of Our Latest Presentation at the Rabobank

A few weeks ago we were invited to share our Corporate Rebels story at the Rabobank headquarters in Utrecht, The Netherlands. An audience of 400 Rabobank employees were present to attend 4 talks, of which we provided one.
The goal of this 'inspiration session' was to inform employees on self management and to provide examples of successful self managing organizations. (If you can not wait for live action, on the bottom of this post you can find a video summary of the first part of our presentation at the Rabobank.)
Inspiration session on self management
The Rabobank invited employees from a wide range of departments to attend this inspirational session. The enthusiasm for the topic seemed much higher than the organizers expected. Registrations went through the roof and the waiting list grew quickly. They changed the hosting venue to their auditorium in order to accommodate as many people as possible. This resulted in an audience of 400 employees, with still over 200 employees on the waiting list.
Speakers from different backgrounds were invited to share their story in order to inform and inspire the Rabobank employees. To educate them on new ways of organizing which could help them to fight current and future challenges. Rabobank is aware that change is needed and desired with competitors quickly moving towards more agile organizational structures, the rise of various FinTech startups, and the quickly changing customer demands.
The talks were provided by Finext, Schuberg Philis, Rene Steenvoorden, and us. Both Finext (one of our Bucket List heroes) and Schuberg Philis discussed their unique self managing organization practices.
Pim shared our Corporate Rebels story and discussed four of the lessons we've learned when it comes to self management. Rene Steenvoorden (CIO of the Rabobank) summarized the session, shortly described some of the implications and answered the most urgent questions from the audience.
Clips of our presentation
Our presentation consisted of two parts: (1) the Corporate Rebels adventure, and (2) four lessons we've learned so far when it comes to self management. See below some clips from the video of the first part of our Corporate Rebels presentation. For all those who don't understand Dutch, there's a subtitle included in the video. Enjoy!
And by the way.. If you want to invite us to give a talk on our Corporate Rebels adventure, don't hesitate to contact us. We're always looking for exciting places to share our story and our learnings!