The Corporate Rebels Handbook Series - What to Expect (and Not Expect) When Working at Corporate Rebels

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree February 22, 2023

This post is part of an ongoing series that gives you an insider’s look at the Corporate Rebels company handbook. If you’re new to this series, we suggest reading the quick intro post that explains why we’re doing this—and what to expect. Speaking of expecting…

In our handbook, because we think it’s a good idea to set expectations, we are intentional about laying out what to expect—and not expect—when working at Corporate Rebels.

And no, we don’t go into a bunch of colorful, inspirational monologues that say a lot of things without really saying anything. As always, we try to be direct, honest, and to the point. No fluff. No bullshit. We don’t think this is some sort of revolutionary act because it’s really what any company should do.

Our way of working is firmly based on freedom, but this freedom comes with great responsibility.
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Freedom ain’t free (because it comes with responsibility)

As with any workplace, things aren’t perfect here. Our way of working is firmly based on freedom, but this freedom comes with great responsibility.

Here are some of the things you should and shouldn’t expect when working at Corporate Rebels:

You should not expect the same structure and dynamics as you would with a more traditional organization. If there’s a process or approach you miss, or one you think would be beneficial, it's up to you to address it and ultimately implement it.

You are expected to contribute and take initiative when you notice an opportunity. This is a psychologically safe environment, so take advantage of it! You will have more responsibility, and you will also have a more significant impact than in a traditional organization.

You cannot expect to simply be someone who comes in and does their job until it’s time to leave. You have just as much value as anyone else here. You will be regarded as someone who is vital to how our company performs. Because you are. None of our successes (or failures) are due to one person.

You can expect to feel a little more directionless at first than you might in another company. But that’s only because there’s less structure, and nobody is hovering over you and telling you what to do all the time. And you will thrive because of it—and so will the company. It may take some getting used to, but once you do, you won’t know any other way of working.

You cannot expect the owners to manage the company. Why? Simple. Because you (and your colleagues) manage this company. And the owners will work with you to do so.

You can expect honest, transparent, and straightforward communication. Our company is built on this because it’s the only way any of this will work. We strive to ensure a high level of radical candor—no bullshitting. It’s safe to be honest here, so take advantage!

Our way of working seems radical, but it shouldn’t

This list obviously can’t cover every single scenario or situation, but that’s impossible. Still, it lays things out in a clear and concise manner, and every word is absolutely true. In many aspects, these expectations are really just our values spelled out in a more functional way that’s relevant to day-to-day operations, but they ultimately serve as a reinforcement of how we generally do things around here.

And yes, they also serve as a reminder to ourselves—something every company should revisit from time to time.

That’s it for this chapter! See you in the next post: Work When (and Where) You Want.

Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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