Say Goodbye To Linear Career Paths

Pim de Morree
Written by Pim de Morree June 16, 2021

Most career goals are still focused on climbing a broken corporate ladder. Linear career paths are still the norm. Yet we all know the world (of work) changes quickly. Let's say goodbye to traditional career paths and embrace a more fluid world.

A world that no longer exists

Traditional hierarchies date from a time when the world was more stable and predictable than today. It made sense to start at the 'bottom of the pyramid' and, over time, progress 'up the hierarchy'.

A junior strives to be more senior. An employee dreams of getting a manager’s job. The manager works to become a director.

But this model of career development is outdated. The world it came from no longer exists. But sadly, the ‘ladder’ view still dictates career development in most organizations.

Fluid careers

Instead of a linear path to more money, status and satisfaction, I argue for fluid careers—based on intrinsic motivation and changing interests: careers driven by passion and curiosity, rather than fear and missed opportunities.

I argue for more unpredictability and less standardization. For more variety and fewer mapped-out paths from HR. More courage, bigger hearts and less comfort zone.

I'm thinking of the brave ones out there who quit corporate jobs to become teachers. Or those that combined multiple part-time jobs to satisfy a variety of interests. And individuals who defy traditional promotion, and leave managerial roles to return to doing what they love.

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Where you are now doesn't have to define where you will be in the future. Wherever you are currently, the decisions you make now can have a huge impact on the remaining parts of your career—and life.

Life is too short for shitty work.
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There’s no need to feel stuck in a career. Break free and change your path.

Life is too short for shitty work.

Written by Pim de Morree
Pim de Morree
As co-founder of Corporate Rebels I focus on: researching, writing, speaking, and building our company.
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