Start 2020 With The Best Of Corporate Rebels 2019

Joost Minnaar
Written by Joost Minnaar January 04, 2020

Welcome back after the celebrations of Christmas and NYE. Welcome to a rebellious 2020. Welcome to a brand new decade: a decade full of corporate rebellion.

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2020 promises to be another exciting year for the Corporate Rebels movement. It is only a month until the Corporate Rebels book launch!

Before delving into 2020’s brand new content, let's look back at the 5 most-read articles of 2019:

1. Advice From The CIA: How To Sabotage Your Workplace

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A new gimmick has entered the management world. It’s an old (1944) CIA manual on how to sabotage an organization’s productivity. This secret pamphlet was called “The Simple Sabotage Field Manual”. It was distributed by the Allies in WWII to guide sympathetic citizens. It gave the rebellious ones instructions on how to weaken their country by reducing productivity in the workplace.

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2. What It's Like To Work The Spotify Way

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Next on our Bucket List: music streaming company Spotify. We fly to Stockholm to learn more about the unique culture and way of working of this fast-growing tech start-up.

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3. How Real Leaders Melt The Iceberg Of Ignorance With Humility

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Similar images of the ‘Iceberg of Ignorance‘ have been around for decades. Today they are spreading like wildfire on social media, rapidly becoming one of the most shared legends of popular management culture.

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4. The First Signs Of A Global Human Management Revolution

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Almost three decades ago Peter Drucker wrote an article called ‘The New Productivity Challenge‘. In it he foresaw the biggest challenge for organizations in the 21st century—how to keep employee productivity rising.

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5. How To Organize A Large Company Without Middle Management

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In early 2018 I took on a new challenge. After two years in the popular management world I decided to take a leap into academic life. I started a part-time PhD program in Business at the VU University Amsterdam. Since then I have researched how large organizations (with thousands of employees) can scale and organize without the need for middle management. It’s time to share what we’ve learned.

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Enjoy reading! And please share your ‘best of last year's reading’ in the comments below.

Written by Joost Minnaar
Joost Minnaar
Co-founder Corporate Rebels. My daily focus is on research, writing, and anything else related to making work more fun.
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