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Employer Branding:
how to get top talent on board

We all know the stories of Google, where meetings are supposedly held on slides or in pools. Part of it's true, but it is a good example of employer branding. It’s the reputation an organization has, as an employer. Most of the pioneers on our bucket list enjoy a great reputation because they chose organizational structures that benefit the people who work there. Needless to say, good employer branding gets you the best talent. Here’s the how and why.

Why is employer branding important?

In the aftermath of the Great Resignation, employer branding has become increasingly important for organizations. It’s not just about logos and taglines, but about the perception of the company as a great place to work.

One of the key benefits of strong employer branding is that it attracts top talent. It makes your organization stand out in the competitive job market, drawing in skilled and motivated individuals. It’s not just about attracting more candidates, it’s about attracting the right candidates. Research shows that no less than 69% of job seekers are more likely to apply to a company that actively manages its employer brand. That’s more than two-thirds of all potential applicants.

Moreover, a well-built employer brand can significantly reduce hiring costs. When your organization is known as a great place to work, you spend less time and resources on recruitment.

Employer branding is also important for existing staff, as it plays improves employee loyalty. Team members are more likely to stay with a company that values them and provides a positive work environment. That should speak for itself.

Real-world examples of great employer branding

There have been plenty of organizations that pioneered in the field of employer branding. Or perhaps more in building better places to work, and branding came naturally. Anyway, you don’t have to reinvent that wheel. You can learn from them, through our blog or better yet, our comprehensive courses.


This Dutch community care provider has quite a unique organizational model. They have a flat structure with self-managing teams. There are no managers. This has led to high levels of employee satisfaction and lower costs. It also created a strong employer brand, which helped them attract and retain skilled nurses.

You can learn all the ins and outs of Buurtzorg and its unique organizational structure through our course.


This high-tech consultancy company, has a unique model, called Employeneurship. This model allows employees to think and act like entrepreneurs while enjoying the security of employment. TMC’s strong employer brand has helped them become one of the coolest employers in the Netherlands.


Another great example of a strong employer brand is Netflix. They have a culture of freedom and responsibility, which attracts top talent. They are trying to raise giving feedback to an art. Their famous slide deck has been viewed millions of times and has helped shape their employer brand.


Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer, is known for its strong employer brand. They have a unique culture, based on Holacracy. They enjoy very high levels of loyalty. Zappos’ strong employer brand has also helped them attract and retain top talent.

In a way, all the organizations in our list of pioneers are good at employer branding. Take Viisi, who puts ‘employees first, customers second, and shareholders last’. Or Patagonia, where the purpose of the company and its staff aligns seamlessly.

Employer branding the 'Corporate Rebel way'

We are a pioneering organization that attempts to revolutionize the way we work. Our mission is to make work more enjoyable, and more effective at the same time. We do this by challenging the status quo of traditional workplaces. Strong employer brands are almost a side effect. Who wouldn’t want to work in a place that values autonomy, purpose, and psychological safety? The places where employees are not a number, but a person. Where values matter.

We’ve learned from over 150 of the world’s most progressive organizations. Their vision was put to paper in our ever-growing bucket list. But we have also distilled their practices into practical courses. There are comprehensive courses about some great employers like Viisi, Buurtzorg, and Haier.

Learn from organizations that have cleared the way

Building a strong employer brand strategy

Building a strong employer brand is never ‘finished’. It’s an ongoing process, that requires a deep understanding of your organization’s essence. It’s about highlighting the company culture and values and differentiating yourself from competitors. By doing this cleverly, you attract the best people for your organization.

So, what is the purpose of your organization? What is it that makes your company unique? What are the values that guide your operations? These are the elements that are at the heart of the employer brand.

Differentiation is another key strategy. In a competitive job market, what makes your organization stand out from others? Is it the company culture, or the organizational structure? Make sure your organization tells a story. Thát is (part of) your employer brand.

Developing an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is another effective strategy. An EVP outlines the benefits employees receive in return for their skills and experience. Money, of course. After all, it makes the world go round. But also flexibility, work-life balance, and job stability. A strong EVP can attract and retain top talent.

Employee advocacy is another powerful tool. Your employees can be your best brand ambassadors. You could encourage them, but by creating a great place to work, this usually happens naturally. It did for Google.

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